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A member registered Mar 10, 2021

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the art is lovely but i couldn't see if there was a happy ending because it stressed me out too much and i couldn't do the final part probably not the best game to play when you're actually sad

This game is awesome, I wonder how you made a game on scratch?? You should consider adding an easter egg if you make the expired subject's exact look on the doll maker. :D

(1 edit)

Wuao, I'm gonna play this game! Seems cute and fun, I'll keep you guys updated :D

Edit: I was not expecting that at all my heartbeat went faster than racecar man 

Wow, this was short and really great!! I wasn't expecting any of what happened, and the bear part kind of puzzled me, but after a good 7 minutes I solved it, haha! I really like it ^^